I decided as an end-of-week treat to make a pudding. I wanted a light fresh one though, and my thoughts turned to Nigella Lawson's slut-red raspberries with chardonnay jelly - a recipe that I have looked at many times but never tried.
It's quite a good recipe for me in that a whole bottle of wine and 300g raspberries serves 6, so it wasn't in any way challenging to scale it down for 2!
Of course, once actually in the supermarket my plans came a little unstuck. I couldn't bring myself to pay £4 for a punnet of raspberries. So my plans shifted to blackberries. And somehow I thought chardonnay wouldn't go quite as well with blackberries, so I bought a 250ml bottle of Spanish rose.
The gelatine leaves I've got aren't nearly as strong as the ones recipes seem to use, so I added 3. I also completely forgot about the vanilla bean, so just as the jelly was about to go into the glasses I poured in a slosh of vanilla extract.
3 hours later, it was lovely! I think all my guests will be eating grown-up jellies for pudding for a while. It had the most lovely soft, delicate set. The fruit was nicely boozy (although you can see in the picture, they did this weird thing where most of the berries bleached red, but some bits stayed black), and the vanilla added something very special. Definitely one to do again!