I've been feeling a bit down about cooking this week. Happy to eat, of course, but just a bit meh about actually planning and shopping and cooking meals.
But it was Friday yesterday, and I feel that Fridays you can go either way - the nice man can bring you a pizza, or you cook something impressive but easy. Yet again Peter provided the inspiration. This post of his on fried oysters intrigued me. Apparently in Greek tavernas they just chuck the seafood in seasoned flour, then dunk in iced water and into the hot oil. So that got me half way there.
You may remember back in April that I ate myself into an ecstatic trance in Spain. One of the dishes that really rocked my world was cazon en adobo (marinated fried fish). That got me the rest of the way there. I would marinade some fish in the Spanish way and then fry it in Peter's Greek way.
Greek-Spanish Fried Seafood
300g cod fillets (line caught, MSC approved etc. Actually this was an error of judgement - too flaky, delicious, but broke up. Monkfish or shark would have been better)
150g large green prawns
1tbs olive oil
3tbs vinegar (should have used white wine vinegar, but only had balsamic or Chinese red rice in, so used the Chinese, didn't want it too sticky)
1tsp minced garlic
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp hot smoked paprika
salt & pepper
Combine and refrigerate for as long as you've got. The recipes say 6 hours or overnight, I had 2 hours from me getting home to Paul getting home.
Toss in plain flour (didn't season the flour because there was enough seasoning in the marinade), plunge into iced water and deepfry. I used a mixture of olive and sunflower oils.
Serve with lemon wedges and a green salad.
A recent dicovery for frying is grapeseed oil. Works very well.
I do like a Friday fish fry.
Nothing like a Friday night fish fry. Peter is an inspirational fella isn't he?
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