Saturday 14 March 2015

Apple Pi

A couple of years ago I bought a 6" springform tin. It's been a revelation. I can make a little cake or deep-dish pie that we can enjoy over a couple of days and not either waste food or end up eating increasingly-stale cake all week.

It's been such a success that I ventured to buy a couple of 10cm loose-based flan tins, so I could make other dainty desserts. This was their maiden voyage.

Responding to a plea from Paul for a French-style apple tart, I lined the tart tins with (bought) butter shortcrust. I melted a spoonful of home-made quince & pear butter and smeared it in the base. Then I made a custard from an eggyolk, 100ml double cream and a teaspoon of caster sugar and poured that in.

I arranged slices of dessert apples (these were some really lovely Jazz apples) in the custard and sprinkled them with more caster sugar, to get a nicely caramelised edge. I cut Pi out of the pastry trimmings and glazed them with a little beaten egg yolk (I dunked my pastry brush in the yolk before I made the custard).

The Pi shapes came out of the oven after 10 minutes, when they were nicely browned, and the apple tarts stayed in for another 20 at 180C until they were well browned.


Suelle said...

I hope they were in the oven at the right time! It's not just the date that is important, if you do your maths to enough decimal points! ;)

Kavey said...

Cuuute pi pies!

Guillaume said...

I was too lazy to make a pie today. I made galettes instead. They are kind of round anyway.

grace said...

beautiful! i love tiny desserts, as i find that limiting their size is the only way i can keep my eating of them in check. :)


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