And then a bright spark mentioned Norwegian whey cheese. I can't believe I hadn't thought of that before. I have tried this weird, brown, sweet, fudgy "cheese" and quite liked it in the past. So I found a recipe for making gjetost at home - and then discovered that it is more properly called mysost.

I can definitely see this developing in a country where it is cool enough in summer to have a wood-burning stove running all the time. Where you could just stick the pot of whey on the back of the stove and leave it to its own devices for a couple of hours. That makes it a canny use of leftovers. Not so much when you have to have the stove running specially.
And the result was good but not awe-inspiring. I didn't manage to get the smooth fudgy texture that I associate with this cheese, mine is more the texture of tablet. But it did occur to me that, with a bit less cooking and a bit of added sugar, I could achieve a whey-based subsitute for cajeta. So I now have a goal for this year's whey supply.

Double cream and a small proportion of cultured buttermilk resulted in a thick, creamy, lightly tangy sour cream that cooked without splitting and was generally a little taste of heaven.

I have been considering making gjetost for a while, but have been turned off by the amount of time it takes. So, in the end, I always make ricotta with my leftover whey. I am glad to read the cheddar was a nice addition to the Holiday table. I would really like to participate in FF: hopefully next month. It sounds like homemade sour cream is, like homemade cream cheese, substantially better than what you can buy.
Oh homemade sour cream sounds heavenly
Simona - some of this was the whey leftover after making ricotta! 3 types of cheese out of one batch of milk.
Kat - it's amazing. I am embarrassed to admit how much I just ate off the spoon.
Your sour cream looks delicious - thick and gooey. Yum.
I've never eaten Norweigian cheese, must correct that omission soon.
This is fascinating! I hope to emulate you one day soon and make all these dairy wonders!
First of all, I cannot believe how thick your sour cream turned out...mine was basically like plain cream. And second OMG! Gjetost! I never even considered making it, and I'd even forgotten all about it, but I LOVE that stuff. I'm excited to try it myself. Maybe it's in the future for FF. And that cheddar is FABULOUS!
C - mysost is an acquired taste, but definitely worth trying!
Joumana - Definitely try the sour cream. So easy!
Heather - and that was on the first day! It got even thicker after that!
Very impressive. ;-) The homemade sour cream sounds delicious and those baked eggs are just divine.
Deb - next time you want a seriously indulgent treat, I would try the eggs!
does your sour cream have an expiration date? :)
great experiment, and i really, REALLY like what you did with your final product!
I am always impressed by your cheese making. This sour cream sounds amazing. Bookmarked for future use!
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