Friday 6 April 2012

Steak and salsa verde roll

Just a quick one, to welcome the bank holiday weekend. A barbecued onglet with a nicely toasted baguette, spread generously with softened butter flavoured with salsa verde. Since "salsa verde" just means green sauce, I should specify that this is the more Italian version, containing herbs, garlic, capers, anchovies and a bit of mustard. All things that go brilliantly with steak.

Have a lovely Easter!

SouperSundays I'm going to share this with Deb for her Souper (soup, salad and sammie) Sunday round-up! Do visit and see what other people have been making.


leaf (the indolent cook) said...

That looks very satisfying indeed. Happy Easter!

Kavey said...

I want this.
Right now.

Jude said...

After yesterday at Quo Vadis where I also had onglet, I am very keen to have it more often!!

Alicia Foodycat said...

Leaf - it was a really good sandwich.

Kavey - so do I!

Ben - thanks!

Jude - East London Steak Co sells them quite cheaply. They just need a bit of care and resting after cooking.

Angie's Recipes said...

wow this is DELICIOUS! The meat looks so tender and juicy.
Wish you and yours a happy Easter too.

Bettina Douglas said...

What a good idea. Layout looks good too.

Barbara said...

Love your version of salsa verde. This looks delicious.
Happy Easter to you and yours!

Alicia Foodycat said...

Angie - it's never a really buttery-tender cut, but it is very flavourful!

Mother - thank you! It works better, doesn't it?

Barbara - thank you, that salsa is really delicious on boiled potatoes too.

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a fab sandwich. I have never in my life refused a steak sandwich. Your green sauce sounds terrific and makes the sandwich even more appealing. I hope you have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary

Deb in Hawaii said...

I was a slow to get around to "visit" this week but I just found your sandwich and I added it to today's Souper Sunday roundup. ;-) It looks hearty and delicious--thanks for sharing it.

Alicia Foodycat said...

Mary - I find it hard to go past a steak sandwich too!

Deb - thanks, I totally forgot to email you about it! Glad you found it and thanks for including it!

Alice said...

Thanks for the wonderful pic you posted.Its really a good to its a wonderful meal for easter. Make use of Omaha Steaks Discount Coupons while shopping for steaks. You can find the great savings and free delivery also.


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