Sunday 5 June 2011

Strawberry season

Apparently this is a good year for strawberries. Biggest & best English strawberry crop for years, they say. And that is fine by me! Certainly our strawberries got off to a very good start with these fine specimens.

Hulled, quartered and thrown onto some of the best pancakes I have ever made (1.5 cups plain flour, 0.5 cups SR flour, 2 eggs, a leftover spoonful of sour cream and enough milk to make a batter, rested half an hour) with freshly squeezed lemon juice and a good sprinkling of crunchy sugar. Perfection.


leaf (the indolent cook) said...

Those little strawberries look PERFECT. So bright and fresh and rotund.

James B said...

Great way to ear strawberries. We went and picked some amazing ones yesterday morning. So tasty and delicious.

Alicia Foodycat said...

Leafy - they were very delicious

James - aren't they good this year? So sweet and full-flavoured.

Barbara said...

Those strawberries look perfect. So nice to hear how sweet they are too. Not always the case, is it?
Check back with me next can use them on my pancake souffle muffins! I've always liked creme fraiche or sour cream on my pancakes, but my kids like syrup.

Caroline said...

Mmm, must get some more strawberries soon. Yours look perfect.

Those pancakes look truly delicious too...

Alicia Foodycat said...

Barbara - pancake souffle muffins? Yes please!

C - I might have to buy some while I wait for the next batch to ripen.

Choclette said...

Perfect indeed - you don't really need to be elaborate when you have succulent tasting strawberries, especially if they're your own. We've had 5 of ours so far (another 4 to go I think) and they taste so so good.

Simona said...

Impossible to resist. Even though we are blessed with a long strawberry season here, I have never lost the childhood's excitement about the first ones of the season. Good idea to marry them to pancakes.

Alicia Foodycat said...

Choclette - I think we've got about another 5 coming on too.

Simona - it also makes such a difference when they are your own.

Deb in Hawaii said...

Mmm... there is little better than really fresh, sweet strawberries--except maybe having them with pancakes. ;-)

Foodjunkie said...

Home grown strawberries must be delicious. And yours look so pretty. Too pretty to eat actually!!

Adrian (Food Rehab) said...

I can't wait for strawberry season here in Melbourne. I go picking every year. There's nothing like freshly picked crimson red strawberries.

~~louise~~ said...

I do believe you're on to something, Foodycat. I can't drive down the street in my neighborhood without running in to a strawberry stand. And like yours, they look absolutely tantalizing. Which reminds me, strawberry topped pancakes sounds divine:)

Understandably, Native Americans celebrated the first full moon of June with a Strawberry Thanksgiving. And thankful we are:)

Thank you so much for sharing...

Alicia Foodycat said...

Deb - the strawbs were still warm from the sun, too.

Jo - nothing is too pretty to eat!

Adrian - I think I will have to go to a PYO. My crop isn't big enough!

Anonymous said...

Not sure how prices translate, but over here, a pint is typically $3.00, but the local markets now have them for around $1.75. And one shop sells them for $1.00 for a day or so after a shipment. Which must indicate a good crop for the year, yeah?

Alicia Foodycat said...

Louise - I can't believe Strawberry Thanksgiving was dropped from the calendar! Bring it back!

HPD - that's a lot cheaper than we get them from here!

~~louise~~ said...

I did try to revive the custom many moons ago in 2009, Foodycat. Here's the link, if you so choose.

Perhaps you could give it a go. The June full moon is on the 15th!!!

hungryandfrozen said...

Lucky you - enjoy em while you got em! I have to wait another six months here!

grace said...

strawberry season could last year-round and that'd be a-okay with me. there are so many applications for them, but they're also one of the few fruits that i don't mind eating completely naked (the berries, mind you, not me...). :)

Dharm said...

Dont those pancakes look just lovely! Those strawbs are pretty wonderful too. Bet they tasted great together!

kat said...

I can't wait for strawberry season here though it also means the start of my canning season

Alicia Foodycat said...

Laura - but then you can enjoy them while we shiver in the snow.

Grace - they really don't need a lot done to them, do they?

Dharm - they sure did!

Kat - but think how satisfying it is to pull out those preserves when there are 3' of snow on the ground.


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