Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Burgers for dinner

We had burgers for dinner - the first of our full-sized tomatoes, buns made from my frozen baguette dough, thick slices of cheddar and fried onions with well-seasoned beef patties.

They were very thick and juicy - absolutely delicious.

Unfortunately Urchin decided that she was a lapcat, and an immovable object. So Paul had to protect her fur from the dripping juices.


Su-Lin said...

The fried onions on top look sooo delicious right now!

Merut said...

That cat picture is hilarious! If food was that close to my cats, they wouldn't be able to rest until they had some. Delicious looking burgers.

Laurie said...

We had burgers with tomatoes from our garden last night too! My husband's new obsession is cooking over an open fire in our backyard. I missed blogging and I sure missed you!

Alicia Foodycat said...

Su-Lin - oh they were good!

Merut - thanks for visiting my blog! Urchin isn't a fan of people food, except for fried fish and clotted cream.

Laurie - hello stranger!

Foodjunkie said...

He he, urchin is sooo cool! Your burgers are a feast for the eyes. I wish I could have a bite right now, I am so hungry :-)

Bettina Douglas said...

What a sight! My lapdogs would have their noses over the table, not just snuggling up like that.

Deb in Hawaii said...

OK, you have me drooling. Guess what I want for dinner?! Loving it with those delectable onions on top. ;-)

Alicia Foodycat said...

Jo - she is adorable, isn't she? she is in the same position on my lap at the moment!

Mother - the fact that she would rather cuddle than eat is probably why she is small!

Deb - I wouldn't mind another myself!

Caroline said...

Yum! They sound great!

I love the way Urchin rules your lives!!!


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