Minestra di Verdura
olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
1 clove of garlic, chopped
2 artichokes, pared back to the hearts and sliced into 8ths
1 bunch of spring greens, washed and finely sliced
2 courgettes, cut into batons
chicken stock (or vege)
1/4 cup orzo pasta (or other small pasta)
proscuitto (optional)
the juice of half a lemon
Soften the onion and garlic in the olive oil. Add the shredded spring greens and artichoke hearts and cover with chicken stock. Bring to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Add the courgettes and the orzo and simmer another 10 minutes or until the pasta is tender. Stir through a dollop of pesto and the juice of half a lemon. To serve, garnish each bowl with another dollop of pesto and top with a couple of slices of proscuitto, grilled until crispy.
This soup is going over to Deb's Kahakai Kitchen for Souper (soup, salad and sammie) Sunday
Looks like a delicious soup and of course you had me with the prosciutto on top. ;-) Thanks for sending it to Souper Sundays.
YOu've just reminded me that winter soup season is coming, however, the sky is clear and sun is out and it feels odd to be planning soup. I shall anyway because the weather will trick me soon enough.
Deb - Thank you!
Cranky - soup is good whatever the weather.
Another use for the orzo eh?
Looks lovely!
I really like the idea of putting prosciutto on top! This way even the meatheads are satisfied :P
That's too funny...it's not vegetarian, it has prosciutto on it! LOL. Sounds delicious...esp. w/ the crispy prosciutto ;)
Jude - yup, I'll have to get my orzo mule to get me some more!
Joanne - exactly! And you could use veg stock and leave the proscuitto off for any vegetarians in the house.
Heather - proscuitto rocks.
YUM! Lose the piggy bits and I'll be over in a shot!
A beautiful way to use those spring vegetables
Sontology - I will eat your share of the piggy bits!
Kat - thanks!
What a nice deviation from the thick, stodgy minestrone of winter time (not that I didn't make minestrone for lunch last week or anything). That minestra is perfect for days like this - warmer, but still cloudy and not quite summery.
Heather - the stodgy one is always good!
Ben - bacon makes everything good.
This sounds lovely - with or without the prosciutto. I like making a lighter minestrone in spring/summer - no chance for that at the moment though here in winter!
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