After the lovely rabbit salad that I had on St George's Day, I decided that I wanted to make one myself. As it happened, I had a rabbit in the freezer. I remembered eating a marinated rabbit salad once that was described as tonno di coniglio (rabbit cooked like tuna), which was precisely the effect I was going for.
Judy Witt showed me the way with her very straightforward recipe. A few days to marinade and there it was.
In a salad with lovely tender mixed leaves, some
Wow, now that is a completely new one to me. I can't even think if I've ever had rabbit
I've heard of this before but never seen it done, it's certainly an interesting recipe and one that I'd love to try.
Now you have me thoroughly intrigued.
I have to mark this.
Kat - this is the second time I've cooked rabbit. First time was horrible.
Sam - it's worth a go. I'd use farmed rabbit for it!
Donald - it's very tasty, give it a go!
Wow, this is fantastic. I'm always looking for a new way with bunny (I'm so over a leek-y braise), and this is perfect.
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