Wednesday 25 March 2009

First barbecue of Spring

Last year, come March we decided it was time to get the Weber out. And were thwarted for 2 months until the shops caught up with us and started to stock charcoal.

This year we were prepared. Throughout October, everytime we saw a shop with bags of charcoal, we'd buy one, until we had a plentiful supply stashed in the shed.

So last week, when it was still twilight at 6 when I got home from work, clear and relatively mild, it was easy enough to get the barbecue out of the shed, whack in some charcoal, and then sit back and revel in the tender rack of lamb, baked butternut and garlic, and steamed sugar snap peas. Bring on the summer!


HH said...

Good work on the forward planning FC. That looks delicious!! I love lamb!

kat said...

The snow piles have finally melted around our grill but I think we'll have to wait for the rain & snow to stop before we venture out with any basically I'm jealous

Alicia Foodycat said...

HH - thank you! We were quite proud of the organisation that took.

Kat - It's gone cold again this week, so don't be too jealous.

Sam said...

Barbecuing is probably my favourite way to cook, it's so much fun!
I'm just waiting for it to warm up again so I can get our barbecue out.

Heather said...

the first grill of the season is the best! the lamb sounds yummy :)

NKP said...

Perfect way to celebrate the end of winter! Look at those fresh peas - wonderful!

Alicia Foodycat said...

Sam - clocks go forward this weekend, perfect time to start!

Heather - it'll take a few more to get the groove back.

Natashya - aren't they a wonderful colour? Not home grown, sadly.


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