Sunday 23 November 2008

Normandy Apple Pie

When I saw this recipe of Francois-Xavier's for Normandy Apple Pie I was smitten. It wasn't just that his photography was so stunning, it was also the idea of an all-in-one apple tart.

I love the sort of French open-faced apple tart that has a rich shortcrust shell, a smear of apple puree and then slices of apples and an apricot jam glaze, but that sort of thing is a bit involved. It takes lots of bowls, a lot of time and quite a bit of patience. And as I have mentioned before, my pastry isn't my most attractive feature.

So this recipe really is genius. It is almost like an apple toad-in-the-hole (or, more attractively, an apple clafoutis).

An eggy, vanilla-y batter is mixed with sliced apples and baked. Then a frosting of butter, sugar and egg is spread over the hot pie and returned to the oven.

Then you eat it. Warm.

It was good. I used Granny Smiths, but it was amazing how their flavour got swamped by eggyness. I think a sharper apple would be better, but the texture of Bramleys would be wrong. Not sure what the better option would be.

I used muscovado sugar in the frosting, which cooked to a magnificent caramelly glaze - very happy with that.

I think making it again I would probably add a grating of nutmeg to the first batter - it just needed a little something else.

You could serve icecream or custard with it, but I don't think it needs anymore sweetness or egg. All it needs is very cold cream, in the quantity recently referred to on Dexter as "A metric fuck-tonne".


kat said...

wow, i can see why you couldn't resist making it!

Alicia Foodycat said...

Esi made something similar the other day (from the same family anyway) and I think her addition of a squeeze of lemon was the very thing mine was missing.

Esi said...

This looks great. I think the lemon is a good addition, it ads a bit of freshness and tartness to counteract the overall sweetness of the dish.

Laurie said...

I love everything apple and this looks like pure yum! The lemon juice might be just the thing, since I think of Granny Smiths as being one of the sharper apples out there.

Deb in Hawaii said...

Yum--fall always makes me crave apple desserts and this one looks fantastic!

Alicia Foodycat said...

Esi - I think the frosting added towards the end really made this dish.

Laurie - aren't apple desserts just the best?

Deb - so easy too!

Teresa Cordero Cordell said...

Foodycat, thanks for stopping by. I see you're a Vampire fan as well. Yay! Another one of us.

Is your reference to Dexter the cable show? We're fans of that one too.

Like Laurie, I love anything apple as well. It's my official Birthday cake (pie). I have got to try this recipe. I always seem to have trouble getting the pastry just right, but I think I can manage this recipe. Thank you my friend, great post.

Alicia Foodycat said...

Teresa - I spent most of my 20s wanting to be Buffy when I grow up... Yes - is reference to Dexter season 3, ep 7. I love Deborah!

I hope you love the pie!

Sam said...

That looks like a perfect autumn pudding. I'm going to make this it sounds amazing!

alexandra's kitchen said...

I am smitten, too! I love this kind of a recipe. I'm a big fan of the clafouti-like desserts. I'm in charge of dessert for Thanksgiving and have yet to decide what to make! This might be calling my name.

Reeni said...

I made something similar called a 'Big Apple Pancake' but it didn't have the frosting. The frosting looks terrific on it. I bet it was scrumptious! YUM!

maybelle's mom said...

wow, does this look easy and doable.

Darius T. Williams said...

How good does this look - this is great!


Heather said...

I always think of Granny Smith as being the go-to pie apple, but maybe a splash of brandy is what it takes to stand up to the eggs. Might help the pie, too. ;)

Alicia Foodycat said...

Sam - do try it! Just the thing for this weather.

Ali - no! Do a pumpkin pie! I know I would if we celebrated Thanksgiving.

Reeni - I love your big apple pancakes. And Chai apple pancakes. And Roman pancakes. Yum!

Maybelle's mom - easy and I think child-friendly, too!

Darius - thanks!

Heather - brandy is another good idea! Maybe some calvados?

Peter M said...

Thatm ny dear is the epitome of rustic, homesy, not Paris & good ole/ French cookin'.

Joie de vivre said...


Alicia Foodycat said...

Peter - even rustic French food is refined! This was quite elegant.

Joie - I know! Pretty and delicious.

puppymomma said...

Ha ha ha! You said , "A metric fuck-tonne". BTW, Dexter is one of my favorite shows. That's cool that you get to see it too.

As for the Normandy Apple Pie, I now know what I will make for my pot luck brunch at work. And I'm going to surely be the talk of the school.

I copied the original version and it looks realy good. But I love how you switched out the sugar and made a more caramelized version. I bet the nutmeg would be fantstick too.

Well, thank you for the recipe!!!! You rock.



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