One of the things I didn't expect but am really loving about my blog is the way the blogosphere embraces you. You meet like-minded (i.e gluttonous) people and share recipes with love and generosity. You try new tastes and get an insight into other cultures. It is enriching on more than just a culinary level and I think it is quite amazing.
So. In honour of my introduction to home-cured bacon, I pass this on to Elle, of Elle's New England Kitchen. She's been given it before, so she is clearly doing something right!
Thank you, so very much! I'm always thrilled and so flattered when someone finds me deserving of an award. And that's one of my favorite ones, too!
Congrats on your well deserved award! It IS awesome all the great people you "meet" food blogging!!!!
Congrats on your award! I agree, it is so great to meet all the interesting people that love food!
Congratulations! Thanks for the comment about the mushrooms but even more for the one about Sophia, my dog, I love her even more than chocolate. You know my 2 favorite cooking magazines are Delicious and Donna Hay both from Australia. And my favorite design mags are Vogue Living (Australia) and Living Etc. from England, so we have something sort of in common. I am very impressed by the cured bacon.
Congrats on your award! I love the warmth of the blosphere, too.
It is rather endearing of the blogosphere that way, innit? Hearing random strangers tell you they think you're smashing. Well, you are!
Congratulations on the award. First time here, u have a nice and yum blog.
Awww... congratulations on your award!
There is something serious that I must discuss with you: You've never had biscuits???? The shrimp and grits, I can forgive you for...but the biscuits???? We must remedy this quickly. Go here: http://niksnacks.blogspot.com/2008/07/biscuit-baker-memory-stick-maker.html
Yay, foodycat! Well deserved award. You are so cool and you are loved.
Hmmm - so many awards popping up these days. Congrats!!!
Great pick to pass the award on to! Congrats again and thanks for always making me happy and hungry!
Aloha, Deb
Congratulations on your award!!! Food bloggers are the bestest. :)
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