I've been getting requests for another game pie, but since the game season is pretty much over, he had to settle for pork. Again, I based it on the Mark Hix game pie recipe, but I just used pork (cubed leg and some mince). I used some sage and a lot of nutmeg to season instead of the juniper, sherry instead of port, half wholemeal flour for the pastry and crabapple jelly instead of red currant.
Basic error, I was too eager to taste it, so it wasn't properly chilled and when I sliced a load of juice (which would have no doubt set to luscious jelly) poured out. However, it tastes good and the pastry is lovely and crisp. So I wouldn't be serving it to company but I'm more than happy to take a big wedge for lunch to work. Of course, in a perfect world I would have a pot of hot English mustard to serve with it, but somehow we've run out.
WHoa, that looks epic (juice or no). I'm in awe of your creation.
Thanks Heather! When I sliced off a bit this morning to pack for lunch I noticed that the filling has settled and set nicely. Should teach me to be a bit more patient! The contrast between the meat and the crabapple jelly is very good too.
I would LOVE to have a slice of that right now. mmmmm. pie.
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